Do you ever feel like the only way to succeed is by staying busy? As a society, we’re always glorifying the busy culture. We believe that rest is for the weak or “I’ll sleep enough when I’m dead.” I’m sorry but what?
Now don’t get me wrong, I’ve mastered the act of glorifying the busy culture. I genuinely feel bad or like I’m failing if I’m not doing something productive. But this year, I’ve had to learn the hard way that resting is actually the way to success.
Glorifying the busy culture only leads to burnout. And burnout leads to breakdowns, fights, crying, and everything negative. So how do we stop glorifying the busy culture and start taking better care of ourselves?
I’m by no means an expert. In fact, I’ve struggled with burnout on and off for years. However, I have learned a few things along the way. And while they might not be the perfect solution, it’s better than nothing!
So What Exactly is the Busy Culture?
This is probably not the first time you hear of the term “busy culture.” It’s pretty common, especially in the U.S. where time is money.
The busy culture means thinking that being busy correlates to being successful. The busier you are, the “better” you are. Well, sorry to break it to you, but WRONG! Being busy does not equate being successful or a better human. Being successful means accomplishing something you have been working for.
Now let me clarify, success looks different for everyone. To some that includes a job promotion. To others, it could mean taking a much deserved vacation or throwing a memorable party for your child/spouse/yourself. Whatever success means to you, know that it does not relate to how busy you are. Of course, you can be successful and busy at the same time. But I’ve come to learn that the most successful people know when to REST.

So How Do We Stop Glorifying the Busy Culture?
Well let’s start by each of us, individually, learning to disassociate busy with success. Let’s understand that being busy can be helpful at times, but if we don’t take breaks, we’ll end up feeling worse.
If you’re anything like me and are always in a “go go go” state of mind, consciously schedule breaks for yourself.
Earlier this year I joined a massage membership at a spa near my house. Although COVID disrupted my monthly visits, it used to force me to take an hour to do nothing but relax. Now, I try to focus on taking at least an hour every weekend to simply be. Thing you can try include taking a bath every week or meditating a few times a week.
What’s important is that you are booking that time for yourself, just like you’d book a dentist appointment. It’s so easy for us to visit our doctors when we feel some sort of physical pain, but it’s rare for us to treat our mental health the same way. So before the burnout comes, schedule time for your mental health too.
Now if you don’t have the always on the “go go go” mentality but still associate being busy with success, try a different approach. Know that you don’t HAVE to be busy to be successful. Take some time to sit down and learn what it really means to you to be successful.
Once you’ve figured that out, make a plan for accomplishing those things. But always remember, do them at your own pace, not all at once. The hardest part is actually separating being busy from success. But once you have that mental strength and determination, you’ll come to understand that resting will only fuel your productivity.
I read a quote a while ago that said “if you’re tired, learn to rest not to quit.” So let’s take more time, consciously, to rest in order to get to where we want to go as our best self.