The past few weeks have been insane.
Work has been crazy busy, I’ve been going to training classes with Ollie, exploring Miami, and trying to give everyone around me the attention they deserve.
Don’t get me wrong, I am so grateful I work at a company I absolutely love and that I have work to do.
However, I know it can get overwhelming at times and the pressure to get everything done (personally and professionally) can be intense.
I recently went through it and wanted to share some tips I learned from it.
Take time to rest & recover
The most important thing you can do when you’re feeling overwhelmed is to take time to recharge.
Whether it means going to bed earlier, meditating, doing yoga, singing your heart out, or spending time with friends, do something that gives you your energy back.
I found that coming home and just doing whatever felt right worked for me.
Whether that was laying on the couch, watching Very Cavallari, talking to Kris, playing with Ollie, all of that gave me my energy back.
I also took a break from blogging for a week and it was so helpful.
I felt upset at first because I don’t like missing my weekly schedule, but taking the time that I’d normally spend writing and using it instead to rest and recharge was so needed.
Feeling burnt out really drains your energy out, so do anything you can to get it back!
Work out
I know when you’re exhausted working out might be the last thing you want to do.
However, working out releases endorphins and endorphins make you happy!
So working out will actually help you unwind and bring some happy thoughts.
Plus it helps drain all the energy out and gets you to fall asleep way faster.
And believe me, you’ll want to get as much sleep as possible.
Feed your body good food
I know how hard it might be to crave healthy food when you’re feeling burnt out.
Emotional eating is something I’m familiar with, but it doesn’t get you far.
So as hard as it may be, try sticking to a healthy diet.
Plus, eating healthy will give you all the energy you need to get through the day!
This too shall pass
Finally, know that absolutely nothing is permanent.
This burnt out feeling won’t last forever.
Take it one step at a time and know that soon enough it will be over.
Try to make the best of it and learn from this situation so you can manage future ones better.
Have you ever felt burnt out? Would love to hear what has helped you find peace of mind in the comments below.