A lot of times people ask me how I’m able to wake up early and work out.
Truthfully, I’ve been waking up early ever since I can remember.
I used to live pretty far from school so I had to get up early to make it there by 7:30am. Years of waking up between 5 and 6am have made me a total morning person.
That’s not to say I don’t know people who have been waking up early for months or even years and can’t seem to adjust.
But I truly believe you can make yourself a morning person. It’s not something you’re born with, it’s a habit you develop.
However, to truly be a morning person, there’s a lot of habits you should include before and after waking up to set you up for success.
Below I’m sharing what has worked for me over the past years to feel more refreshed in the morning.

Put electronics away an hour before bed
The light emitted by electronics (phone, TV, laptop, etc) actually sends signals to your brain to stay awake.
Browsing through your phone just before bed is not the greatest if you’re looking to have a good night’s sleep.
I usually try to put my electronics away 30 minutes to an hour before bed.
I take that time to chat with Kris, pet Ollie, stretch, meditate, read, and get ready for bed.
It’s the most relaxing routine and I look forward to it every night.
Go to bed early
I know plenty of people who can survive on 5-6 hours of sleep at night. I, on the other hand, need 7-9 hours to function.
Since I usually wake up between 5:30 and 6am, I try to go to sleep at around 9:30pm.
Now, that’s not always the case because you know, life happens.
There’s days where I have to stay late at work or come home and write a blog post, but I do try very hard to be in bed by 10pm at the latest.
It may sound very obvious, but going to bed early is the #1 thing that works for me to feel more refreshed in the morning.
Listen to your body and give it the hours of rest it needs to function properly.

You snooze you lose
I feel like I may be in the minority here but I never snooze my alarm.
Nor do I set multiple alarms. Luckily, one alarm will wake me up and get me ready to go.
If you snooze or have multiple alarms, you’ll actually feel more tired because your body starts going into another sleep cycle and then it gets interrupted.
It may sound intense but try getting up after your first alarm goes off.
If you don’t think you’ll be able to, set your phone or whatever you use as an alarm far away from you so you have to get up to turn it off.
It’ll take some adjustment getting used to it, but remember it’s all about forming that habit.
Soon enough you’ll be getting up after that first ring.
Drink water when you wake up
I always keep water on my nightstand so the first thing I do in the morning is drink water.
Most of us underestimate the power of water. Next time you feel tired or drowsy drink some water and you’ll notice the difference.
Try drinking a glass of water after getting up to jumpstart your metabolism and wake you up.
Plus there’s so many other benefits to drinking water you’ll never go wrong with it.

Roll it out
If you usually wake up feeling puffy or have a headache, I highly recommend the ice roller.
It’s super affordable and easy to use. I keep the ice part in the freezer and take it out every morning to roll it over my face.
It’s great to help me wake up and depuff my skin.
Although the cold might feel like a shock at first, you’ll get used to it quickly and it’ll feel amazing.

If you follow me on Instagram you know I love working out in the morning.
Starting my day off with a workout really gets me energized and pumped for the day.
Plus, exercise releases endorphins and we all know they make you happy!
Even if it’s a super light yoga routine, try getting your body moving in the morning.

Keep a Gratitude journal
Starting the day with a grateful heart is an amazing way to start on a positive note.
Practice writing down 3 things you’re grateful for every morning and you’ll see how your day will immediately shift for the better.
Many studies have shown the incredible benefits of gratitude. Your spirit will be full of positive thoughts that will carry you through the day.
I love writing down things I’m grateful for every morning and throughout the day I keep going back to them to keep me positive.

I recently bought the Affirmators thanks to Kim’s (Girl and the Glow) recommendation!
I shuffle the cards every morning and ask the universe to lead me to the card I need. Without fault, it’s always something I need.
What I love about these cards is that they’re funny and entertaining, in addition to inspiring.
Hope these tips have helped and if you have any other ways to feel more refreshed in the morning comment below!