Quarantine forced a lot of people to turn their homes into their gyms.
However, I’ve been very used to working out at home for many years now.
I’ve been very lucky to have enough space in all my previous homes to create my own gym.
From my brother’s bedroom in Colombia, to the suite I lived in during college, to our apartment’s living room and now my very own Studio Tone It Up, as I like to refer to it.
While I may have a room designated to be my home gym now, I had to get creative with my spaces previously.
For that reason, I wanted to share my favorite at-home fitness products. This way you can get a good workout in from the comfort of your own home.
Most of these are travel-friendly (emphasis on “most”) so the good news is even if you’re traveling post-covid you can do these from your hotel room!
Studio Tone It Up

The reason why I refer to my home gym as Studio Tone It Up is because most of the workouts I do are Tone It Up workouts.
Now I will say I’m a huge fan of Lindsey Harrod, Aubre Winters, The Class, The Barre Code, and all individual TIU instructors so not all of my workouts are on the Tone It Up app.
With quarantine, the trainers above have shared lots of their workouts on IGTV. I’ve been loving them so I highly suggest you check them out if you haven’t.
If you can afford an app subscription, I recommend checking out Studio Tone It Up.
There’s so many different classes to choose from with different trainers and equipment options, most of which are easily done at home.
Plus, they have programs that you can follow for a certain period of time. These help keep you accountable and remove the need to create your own workout schedule.
I know there’s plenty of other apps out there, I went with Studio Tone It Up because I’ve been a TIU girl for a few years now so it felt natural.
However, I encourage you to check out different apps and see what you connect with the most!
At-Home Fitness Products
Now that we’ve covered my favorite app, you’ll need the perfect at-home fitness products to get you going.
The easiest, most travel-friendly one is the booty band! I have a few Tone It Up booty bands each with a different resistance so I can choose what suits my workout.
My favorite part is that you can take them anywhere and get a full body workout easily! They may be booty bands but you can also use them to work out your arms, thighs and more.
The resistance bands are also a great travel-friendly fitness product.
Much like the booty bands, resistance bands are amazing at working out so many areas of your body! They can even substitute dumbbells for bicep curls if you don’t have some nearby.

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While there are some yoga mats that are specifically designed for travel, mine is not.
I love the Tone It Up yoga mat because it is really thick so it’s gentle on my knees and has amazing grip.
I recommend checking out one that fits your lifestyle, whether that’s one for on-the-go or to keep at home.

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Dumbbells and a kettlebell are always nice to have. While it’s not something everyone can have at home, I highly recommend them.
I have varying weights so I can perform drop-sets or use light dumbbells for barre workouts. I must warn never drop them, always place them back carefully!
Speaking of weights, the most recent at-home fitness product purchase was my Bala ankle weights.
Use them as ankle weights, wrapped around your wrist, or held on your hands.
They’re a great way to level up my workouts, I’ve been adding them to all the leg and booty TIU classes.

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But that’s not all! Sliders are an amazing way to exercise every single part of your body, especially those tiny muscles that are so hard to target sometimes.
And I cannot leave my jump rope behind. It’s a great way to get some cardio in anywhere!
Just be careful if you have a fan or hanging lights – you don’t want to break those!
Lastly, I love my stability ball. It’s an amazing way to add an extra challenge to any type of workout, especially arms and abs.
While it does take up a bit more space than the products mentioned above, it’s still a great addition to a home gym.

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I hope you found this list useful. Stay tuned for a tour of my very own Studio Tone It Up!